When we heard the name of Miley Cyrus, we will back to her famous television series Hannah Montana.
This series brings Miley as well known actress in the United States. Furthermore, she was chosen as the first Walt Disney artist and loved by fans.
However, since 2013 she released a song Wrecking Ball which had been controversial. This song brings a new image of Miley as Barbie or a princess from Walt Disney story to mature singer.
She even cut her hair to be man style and exposed her body in the music video of this song. Let us take a look for the transformation of Miley Cyrus.
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1. She played in a TV series for the first time as Kylie

2. Famous from Hannah Montana TV series, she becomes teen idol

3. She started to upload some videos on YouTube with her friend Mandy

4. Playing in movie, Bolt

5. A new image in The Last Song film (2010)

6. She looks mature in song Can’t be Tame

7. Wrecking Ball makes her as the most controversial artist

8. Her appearance on MTV Video Music Awards

9. She sings a song Heart of Glass in Earhart Festival

10. Duet with Dua Lipa PRISONER in last November 2020

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Miley Cyrus has changed her image from time to time. However, everyone has right to choose what they wanted to be in the past, now, or future.
After reading about her transformation, how your opinion about Miley Cyrus as a talented actress?